OMG. I didn't even finish your article yet. But, I will because you're a great writer.
But wait. (Shoot, I don't even know when you wrote this, and I'm rushing too fast to check.)
You do not have to run out of money to get your father great care. I did this too. I went too late, far too late, to an elder care/estate attorney who taught me how to rescue and protect the remainder of my dad's money, which was very very little by that point.
IF I HAD KNOWN earlier, I could have protected his money for his kids.
The assisted living facilities are happy to fleece you entirely. They create models designed to do this.
You can protect the money.
Call a long-term care specialist ASAP. Maybe someone already instructed you in the comments.
No one tells you this shit.
I used Tillem McNichol & Brown in Sonoma, CA.